Later Baldwin mentions the way Freedom of Europe stresses the American so much that all he can do is pack his bags and run for home (127). but as we saw this was not the case some ran further. Like Baldwin himself some students ran to Russia or India anywhere that was not home or as I see it, anywhere that was home. Here I disagree with Baldwin, I dont think Europe exhumed so much freedom that the student wanted the structure of home. rather it exhumed the freedom to explore further. Europe was not a place to flee to, but rather a gate way to more opportunity.
Specifically when he discusses how all students are the same and when American come to understand the French they realize both know no more then the other. yet it is here then that the realization of equality must hit. And though Baldwin states that it is at this time they discover their own country. But I feel this is not the case, I do not feel that they locate their own country, but rather that all countries are each others. Europe brings the realization that all land is the same in its simplistic form.
My final question is quite simple and I ask it to illicit a response. We have spoken of Paris streets, taverns, clubs and pubs. we have defined these things as Paris. But by Baldwin's experience is the prison and the system not French. I felt that the incite to the process of arrest and trial to verdict was a depiction of the true Paris.
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